Getting the right Chief Information Officer (CIO) is crucial to ensure a smooth operation for any company that utilizes technology and data. Nowadays an understanding in just IT alone is not sufficient for a CIO. In 2018 CIOs are expected to play an integral role in calculating the best way for a company to grow and maximise their profits.
In many ways a CIO should be as someone who makes it possible to bridge the gap between roles carried out by IT professionals and non-IT professionals. They need to be in a position where they understand where both sides are coming from and understanding the best way to combine these workforces for optimum results by setting up and implementing effective and working relationships.
Therefore, CIO recruitment is now a much more crucial process than before. Due to the multiplicity of skills and attributes a candidate must have to be considered for the role. Recruitment needs to consider a CIO as firstly being a good business leader, as they must make many executive decisions on a day to day basis. Like anyone in any form of management position, CIO candidates need to show strong organisational skills, especially when a company needs to constantly balance roles to gain a competitive advantage in such fast paced sectors.
Another important aspect is that CIOs need to map out ICT strategy (both short and long term) and the ICT policy of a company. Past experience is usually the best way to gauge if a candidate is capable within these two areas. Due to the partial middleman role CIOs play in a company as stated above, there is a need for a CIO to have prior strong knowledge of the industry they are working in. In short, this means that a CIO from a completely different industry may seem qualified enough for a company, when in fact their skills were too closely tied to an irrelevant industry to that of which your company is part of.
The role of a CIO differs massively from company to company depending on their sector and needs, yet here at least it can be seen a few common features needed in CIOs and can hopefully be used as a base when considering what you as a company specifically need from an CIO.