One of the reasons so many writers become freelance writers these days is because they like the control they have over their job. Nobody tells them where they should work. A freelance writer can work wherever he wants: he can work from a library, his own garden, or even from a beach or a park. If you enjoy waking up in the morning and working from the morning, being a freelance writer will allow you to work during hours you find the most enjoyable to work in. If you find out that your writing efforts are the most productive during evening hours, you can choose to work only in the evening. Nothing will ever tell you when you are required to work. Even if your deadline is 24 hours, you can still choose at which hours you want to complete your assignments. Some people might not know how to get started, but it really isn’t so difficult. It might be a good idea to practice by writing various articles on your blog. You will have the satisfacton that your work is published and others are reading it. You might be able to change people’s lives through your words and that is something that keeps many writers motivated.