The idea of wireless transmission of energy was first introduced over a century ago. However, the application of the technology was not widely used for many years. Recent years saw it resurfacing. Now, we see wireless power transfer being applied … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2021
Throughout the past century, electronics have advanced to the point of being relatively inexpensive and accessible to more people than ever before. These devices make people’s lives easier and allow people to communicate with each other efficiently. Here are three … Continue reading
A lot of people are starting to take a vested interest in where their favorite products come from and how they’re made. Since you can find anything at your fingertips, more light is being shed on injustices throughout the world … Continue reading
When things go wrong at home and something breaks, part of the frustration comes from the knowledge of the process that is sure to follow – the process of repairing or replacing the object. There is another, less traveled path … Continue reading
Yеаrѕ аgо реорlе of оnе соuntrу hаd tо соmmunісаtе wіth another country through analog tеlерhоnеѕ, fаx аnd hаnd-wrіttеn lеttеrѕ whісh wаѕ tіmе consuming. Wіth thе аdvеnt оf muсh nеwеr technologies, it is possible nоw tо соrrеѕроnd with оnе another соnvеnіеntlу … Continue reading
Mоѕt dаtа соllесtеd by enterprises today is thrown аwау. Sоmе small percentage іѕ аggrеgаtеd and kept іn a dаtа wаrеhоuѕе fоr a few уеаrѕ, but mоѕt dеtаіlеd ореrаtіоnаl data, machine-generated dаtа, and оld historical dаtа іѕ еіthеr аggrеgаtеd оr thrоwn … Continue reading
Have you ever wondered why your business is taking longer to grow? Maybe it’s time you changed your marketing strategy. With increased competition in every line of business that exists, putting in place a robust marketing strategy that focuses on … Continue reading
These days, individuals and businesses are working hard to reduce their carbon emissions. Being environmentally friendly is very important in the modern world. People have now started to realize that not caring about the environment can have long term negative … Continue reading
source Due to the raging COVID-19 and the widespread menace caused by the virus throughout the world, life has become difficult. This ordeal is equally miserable for people who are infected and are in isolation. Even people who are not … Continue reading